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Axillary Fat Pad Removal





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    What is Axillary fat pad removal surgery?

    Are you tired of the bulges around your underarm area? They are called axillary fat pads. Axillary fat pad removal surgery is a minimally invasive procedure that will help you to get rid of the unwanted fat around your underarm region. This surgery gives on table results that are long term in nature.

    What is Axillary fat pad?

    Axillary fat pad are an extension of the breast tissues to the axilla that appears like bag under the axila. They might look weird or can cause discomfort in proper functioning of your arms.

    What is the procedure of Axillary fat pad removal?

    • This is only a 45 minutes to 1 hour procedure that is done under local anesthesia.
    • The region you want to get rid of fat from will be marked.
    • Then a small incision is made and tumescent fluid is injected to break the fat cells.
    • With the help of Vaser liposuction fat gets removed and the underarm area gets sculpted.
    • Sometimes in the cases of extra saggy skin, a procedure called excision can also get performed.
    • Excision is performed to remove the entire tissue from the underarm region with the help of laser or any other cutting tool.
    • excision is done only when there is an extensive improvement required
    • After applying a dressing to the region, you have to wear a compression garment to keep the area protected.

    Why you should opt for Axillary fat pad removal surgery?

    • You are insecure about the appearance of axillary fat pads.
    • If you are not able to wear your favorite clothing.
    • If you feel Discomfort due to increased amount of fat
    • If this axillary fat is causing issues like sweating and stickiness around your underarms.

    Preparation before the Axillary fat pad removal surgery?

    • You will be told to get some important lab test done
    • Share your medical history with your surgeon
    • You should avoid smoking few weeks prior to surgery for an early recovery
    • Avoid taking blood thinning medication

    What is recovery period of Axillary fat pad removal surgery?

    It takes 1 to 2 weeks to completely recover from the Axillary fat pad removal surgery and in this recovery period you should avoid any kind of heavy exercises or overwork. If excision method is also used then it will take 4 to 5 months to properly recover from the surgery.

    How much time it will take to show the results

    Even when the results are immediate, it takes 1 to 2 months for swelling to subside and to get the desired results.

    Why dezire is the best option for your Axillary fat pad removal surgery?

    • Highly experienced surgeon
    • Affordable cost
    • Impeccable hygiene
    • Confidential services
    • Safe environment

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