Lipoma Removal

Lipoma Removal





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    What is lipoma removal surgery?

    Lipoma is a type of fatty lump that can develop anywhere in the body. They are usually considered harmless but in some cases lipoma removal becomes important. Lipoma removal surgery is a minimally invasive method in which lipoma gets removed from the skin by making a tiny incision. This surgery is good option for you if your lipoma is getting bigger in size or if you are insecure about it. With the lipoma removal surgery you will get immediate results that will be permanent.

    When you should do lipoma removal surgery

    • If your lipoma is making you insecure about your appearance
    • If your lipoma is getting increased in size
    • If the lipoma is getting painful for you

    Process of lipoma removal surgery

    • A method called punch excision is used to remove the lipoma.
    • The area gets marked by the surgeon and then local anesthesia is used to numb that area.
    • With the help of a surgical tool, the fat present in the lipoma is removed.

    Preparation before and after the lipoma removal surgery

    • You will be told to get some important lab test done
    • Share your medical history with your surgeon
    • You should avoid smoking few weeks prior to surgery for an early recovery
    • Avoid taking blood thinning medication prior and after the surgery
    • Take only the prescribed painkillers

    Why dezire is the best option for your lipoma removal surgery?

    • Highly experienced surgeon
    • Affordable cost
    • Impeccable hygiene
    • Confidential services
    • Safe environment


    Skin retraction would be better if the VASER liposuction technique were used.

    The results would be almost scarless as tiny incisions were made to remove the fat from the area.

    The time taken can vary from person to person and usually takes 1 month or more, depending on the area treated.

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